Sun Hydraulics Business Cards
Please note: Sun Hydraulics business cards are for employees only. All orders are reviewed prior to approval for content, spelling, and suitability.
Please follow these instructions to order business cards. If you have any questions, please email
3. On the next screen, enter some basic information. A mobile number is optional. Select "START ORDER."
4. On the next screen, select your facility location (701, 803, or 1500) from the tabs under the word, Business Cards. This will automatically populate the correct address on your cards. Select “START ORDER.”
5. On the Editor screen, click in first field of the card to enter your information (FIRST NAME LAST NAME). Use the navigational buttons (PREV FIELD and NEXT FIELD) at the top of the screen when ready to fill in the next section. (Make sure to complete Title, Phone Number(s) including the area code, and Email Address).
- The Mobile Phone field is not required. If you do not wish to have this print on your cards, place your cursor in this field and click the trashcan icon at the top of the screen to delete the field.
9. Then, select CHECKOUT.